balachandar muruganantham { Personal Blog }

Saturday, October 22, 2005
On this day:

Hardwork & its Rewards

Hardwork - a word easy to say but pratically not feasible. If u think that i am doing so much hardwork but everything sucks. No rewards. I think u were losing some where and Hardwork is not whole hearted. I can say A person with 100% confidence and works hard, i am sure he is going to be rewarded with plenty of necessity things.

I have seen a friend of mine who is good at some point before he joined with me in my graduation came from a town. Now he has become a wiprowite. Yes! after a long trouble, he joined wipro. According to me, he taught me a lot and we used to prepare for the examination at his PG and we use to have fun. he used to tease a lot. but then we and among others had fun. He attended so many interviews and all employers said lacking of experience. But he never tired of attending the interviews. But one fine day he called me up and said "I got the offer at wipro. I am happy about that da."...

From this people who ever reading this can understand that Hardwork rewards, but it might delayed. Dont lose Confidence.

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